Text Game Strong: Ten Text Messages She Will Love

Men just suck at texting. They’re either too abrupt, don’t know how to flirt, or can’t keep up a conversation. Any girl knows that we will not date a guy who can’t text. If a guy can’t properly communicate with you or share his feelings through texts, he is not worth it. If you’re one of those guys that thinks they need help with texting, I’ve got ten texts that she will love.

Text game: 10 text messages I guarantee she’ll love!

Text messages we guarantee she’ll love!

“Hey been thinking of you today”

Women love to be thought of. It is nice to know that the person you’re dating cares. Telling her in the middle of her day that you’re thinking of her shows her that you really do.

“I really want to do something that you love to do”

This is a great thing to text a lady that you’re making plans to go out with. If you text her this it shows her that you care about her opinions and really want to get to know her. Also, it shows her you’re all about making the relationship fair and mutual. Women love equality!

“I just went through all your instagram pictures and I have one word: Stunning”

Women want to be complemented, we want to know that you think we are beautiful. Nothing is better than a text that tells a lady that you think she’s pretty.

“How’s your mom doing lately? I miss her!”

You love us sure, but what about our families. This shows that you’re interested in not just her, but also her entire life including her family. Even if you have to lie to tell her this. White lies are okay to say, especially if they make her feel loved.

“Let’s get a kitten”

Have you been on the internet lately? Cats have been taking over! Plus, it is just fact women love all things cuddly and sweet. What could be cuter than a baby kitten. This will make her feel flattered but also let her know that you want to be with her for a long time. Just make sure she’s not allergic!

“I just want to pamper you tonight”

Modern ladies have to juggle so many responsibilities! This text shows her that for this one night she can get whatever she wants. You let her know you’re available to massage her feet all night and buy her favourite chocolates. This is could be a good text to send when she’s got her period. She can feel sensitive during that time, so let her know that tonight it’s 100% her.


Men can have a really hard time expressing their emotions. It is really frustrating as a woman trying to decipher what men really mean. Don’t be like the rest of them. Express yourself freely and simply. Nothing is sexier than a man who is emotionally mature, and brave enough to be it.

“Let’s go on a vacation somewhere together”

A healthy relationship is one that is full of adventures. Tell her you want to go somewhere with her. Suggest places you want to visit and let her choose where to go. Travelling will help you two grow a stronger bond, and have so much fun. She will be thrilled to know that you’re willing to go away with her. Just the two of you.

“I can’t stop thinking of you”

There is nothing sexier than getting a text like that. A woman wants to be desired. If you can show her she is, then you are set. She will express to you that she feels the same way. This text can easily lend itself to some fun sexting. Take it as far as you like. Actually be productive today, and have a hot text conversation with her.

“There’s something special I want to share with you tonight”

This kind of text is great because it is mysterious but also sexy. You pick the secret or moment you want to share with her. Remember to keep it a surprise until you see her next. Think of something she’s been wanting to hear from you, and tell it to her. Ask her to move in with you, ask her to marry you, or ask her to a yoga class. Whatever you think she wants you to say, say it.

One last thing

Remember these text messages work well when you personalize it to her preferences. Every woman is different but they all want to feel special. If you need more pointers this how to date site can help you out!
